I can’t wait to build a bookshelf for my books!

The latest additions to my library!

I love getting things in the mail. Like most people, anything new is exciting. Even though I know exactly what I ordered, opening the packages to see what’s inside is always exciting.

I have found that I really can’t read multiple books at the same time effectively. No, I don’t mean literally reading them at the same time. I mean reading a couple of chapters in one book and then a couple of chapters in another when the mood strikes. For me, it is easier to read one, finish it, then move on to another. I think it’s the same for many people. I really don’t enjoy reading as much when there is a grade or assignment attached to it though. I read a lot more outside of the classroom. Every book constantly expands my knowledge but at the same time, my curiosity.

Knowledge and ideas are passed from one person to another and from generation to generation through books. The internet itself is like a gigantic digital book. The challenge that many of us face is learning the things that our predecessors and contemporaries have learned. This foundation of knowledge allows us to build upon it with our own. Now, that’s not to say new ideas don’t happen spontaneously as well but those are rare.

I’ve often wondered whether it is beneficial for today’s world to be so specialized. You go to college to get a degree in a specific field, or work a specific job. But with our limited time alive, it is understandable. Specialization was what allowed civilization to progress. In order for that to happen, cooperation is needed between all of these specialists.

I have no idea where I was going with that.


I would like to eventually (hopefully soon) build a custom bookshelf for all of my books. It would definitely have to be easy to take apart since I’m not a big fan of moving large things. It would also make the design of the bookshelf much more fun and exciting rather than a plain ol’ series of planes for things to rest upon, static as the tree trunks from which they came.